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Bridge Technologies Refreshes Unique PocketProbe


Bridge Technologies Refreshes Unique PocketProbe Network engineers can fault find and optimise streaming media network performance from anywhere OSLO, Norway — 26 February 2018 Bridge Technologies today announced a complete refresh of its PocketProbe app, which is now 64-bit compatible and available for download on both iOS and Android. PocketProbe enables objective post-CDN analysis of real network performance in a streaming media environment. The new updated apps incorporate the latest version of the OTT Engine at the heart of Bridge Technologies’ award-winning VB series of media monitoring IP probes. These enable analysis and confidence validation of HTTP variable bit-rate streams from any location, “As IP networks become increasingly pervasive, and as the number of ways and places in which digital content is consumed proliferates, it is vital that network engineers have the ability to fault find and optimise performance wherever they find themselves,” said Simen K. Frostad, Chairman, Bridge Technologies. “PocketProbe uniquely provides that capability. It’s an excellent example of our commitment to providing the broadest, deepest range of network optimisation tools in the industry – from the data centre to the engineer’s pocket.” PocketProbe can provide continual validation of OTT streams, with detailed analysis of HLS, Smoothstream, RTMP and MPEG-DASH, and at-a-glance displays that present data in instantly-understandable form through graphic displays and multiple overlays. The app can be used by service engineers and operational staff to test real world behaviours with a wide range of operators. Accurate status of bit-rates used and profile changes is displayed in real time, giving instant understanding of provider delivery capability. Together with hardware probes used pre-cloud, the post-cloud location of the PocketProbe enables excellent correlative understanding of CDN and provider abilities.

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